Monday, March 14, 2011

Rockin' out

Source material for this lesson and several lessons coming up: Lin Wellford's book and video. 

We are going to paint a few rocks over the next 2 or 3 weeks - maybe forever - we love this!

Not having a rocky riverbed nearby, I grabbed a bag of Mexican Beach stones from Lowe's.  They are smooth and dark and it feels good just to hold them.

One of the Sm'Arties, who is not pictured in this post, learned that though tossing and catching the stones is fun, it is not advisable to toss them over your head - unless you catch them EVERY TIME.  Sad lesson. 

We used acrylic craft paint.  Some stones were prepainted white, some black, and some left natural.  I like the natural dark gray.

When they were finished (and they dry quickly - I used a blowdryer on the wettest ones), I sprayed them with a clear sealer.  These have 1 coat.  2 coats is better - more shine.

We think the one with green eyes looks like an alien. 

After Spring Break - lizards!


  1. Thanks for the reminder! Two S'marties and their Mama totally forgot about our homework assignment. Eeek!

  2. These are great! Nice way to use all those rocks kids always take home from their holidays!
